Currency | Rate model | Fee | Minimum Payment Amount |
BTC | PPLNS | 0% | 0.005 |
BTC | FPPS | 4% | 0.005 |
FB (Merged) | PPLNS | 0% | 0.1 |
FB | PPLNS | 2% | 0.1 |
FB | SOLO | 1% | 0.1 |
LTC | PPS | 3% | 0.02 |
DOGE (Merged) | PPLNS | 1% | 40 |
BELLS (Merged) | PPLNS | 1% | 1 |
Payment Range(All currencies):00:00 today to 00:00 UTC tomorrow
Payment Time(All currencies):02:00 to 10:00 UTC daily
Details of the rules for the allocation of mining regimes
BTC allocation rules:
PPLNS: The time when a block is mined is pushed forward by 3 theoretical blocks. During this time, the allocation is based on the proportion of the user's processing hashrate to the total processing hashrate of the mining pool.
Fixed block reward = share complexity submitted by the mining machine / complexity of the entire network * Coinbase reward
Transaction fee reward = ratio of actual transaction fee to actual block, calculated by removing 5% before and after the transaction fee rating of the entire network per day * fixed block reward
FB merge mining allocation rules:
PPLNS: Allocation is based on the actual revenue during the day and the ratio of the user's hashrate to the hashrate of the mining pool during that day.
FB mining allocation rules:
PPLNS: Allocation is based on the actual income during the day and the proportion of the user's hashrate to the hashrate of the mining pool during that day.
SOLO: The blocks you mine belong to you
LTC allocation rules:
PPS: Fixed reward per block = complexity of the share represented by the mining machine / complexity of the entire network * Coinbase reward
DOGE distribution rules
PPLNS: Allocation is based on actual revenue during the day and the ratio of the user's processing hashrate to the processing hashrate of the mining pool.
BELLS allocation rules
PPLNS: The distribution is based on the actual revenue for the day and the ratio of the user's hashrate to the hahsrate of the mining pool for that day.
Last updated